Friday, June 21, 2013

Ed at it again

"...A ranger, caught off his guard?"


I like scrolling up and down the path as if I'm approaching them and then waving goodbye.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Laura Shigihara - YOU DA BOMB

Been a long time fan of hers and just rediscovered these vids :) She always puts such a big smile on my face ^^ I especially love her story in the first vid. and "No Yoshi is an Island" are great words to live by. Love the message.

Ok I have to admit I was googling "starcraft figurine"... and it ended up bringing  me to such a nice place on the internet! Also her website has a great blog post about Inspiration. I  love that she does WoW dailies to get herself going! Using wow as a pathway to productivity is def not what comes to most people's minds first, but she's so right! There were definitely those days of vanilla wow when it was a great tool for dragging myself out of bed at 6AM :)

Bottom line, she rules.

Friday, June 7, 2013

GETFAR, literally!

gifs for a RAINY DAY, for real today!

lololol. you weren't expecting that, huh? 

aaaand today's been the epitome of a rainy day: rain in the morning, rain in the afternoon, rain throughout the night. traffic, and feeling like I wanted to leave work and huddle with hot chocolate around a fire playing board games. this is awful sentence structure.

I'm also back on the SC2 cellophane (fen si) noodles bandwagon.

This rules: Gems I found there include:

hahahahaha, very welcomed smiles :) for my rainy [Fri]day in the office

Thursday, June 6, 2013


2 LinkedIn Articles I stumbled across:

"If you're learning, You'll never need to recharge" 
Don't necessarily agree with everything or the title, but some words of wisdom in there!
The British author John le Carré once quipped, "The desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world." I couldn't agree more.
My work is also energizing because I believe I'm doing work that matters.
If you find meaning in your work and you go to work to learn about life, I doubt you'll ever have reason to recharge. The work itself will renew you. 
and "8 Things Productive People Do During the Workday"