Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Way of Life

Well said. All of it.

"A Mother's Perspective on Rugby"

Some of the best parts (snaps):

On contact:

But unless you’ve grown up with it, it’s hard to understand that it’s not the same kind of contact as, say, football. It’s much more controlled, and there is more respect, and you are actually trying to make a proper tackle, whereas in football guys can just jump out of line and just charge at you and grab your legs. You can’t do that in rugby because you are responsible for the tackle, and if you miss a tackle, that puts your entire team under pressure.”

On inclusivity:
Something I love about rugby is that it seems to be all-inclusive; there are players of all sizes and abilities. Kleeburger, who is studying kinesiology at The University of Victoria in British Columbia and is coaching the rugby program there, says “Rugby is the one program in the school where nobody gets cut. We have a lot of guys who are there because they want to be a part of the team, and want to be a part of the rugby atmosphere; they don’t have maybe the same skills as some of the guys playing at a higher level, but they are still involved and they still feel like part of the group.”

On the *something special*
And there is something else. Rugby is not just about rugby. It’s about socializing, community, acceptance, team spirit, camaraderie – and creating life-long memories. As a mother, I like that. I want all of that for my kids.

On the life long community culture:
Kleeburger says, “Rugby is the sort of sport that people get so much out of it that they really want to give back. We have a lot of parents and ex-players who still want to be involved in it because they have had such a good, positive experience.” Rugby is a culture, one that keeps people involved, sometimes all through their lives. 

On making you a better person:
 “I would say I am fairly shy, so I think rugby has brought out an ability to be in social situations. I feel more comfortable being around a wide range of people. I think rugby generates a more well-rounded person.”

power lions :P