Friday, March 1, 2013

Kyle Maynard - No excuses

I wish I felt like I could write something here that is deserving of what Kyle Maynard is to the world, but this isn't the time for me. Just wanna keep track of this for now, and maybe if only one other person stumbles upon it here, know that it is definitely worth your time to hear more of Kyle's story.

A blog post he recently wrote about getting his groove back:

I especially like the following quote. Had to re-read it a few times because I was casually reading too fast and had to take a second to really hear for real all the words written on the page.

It seems to me that principle is written in the fabric of the universe in many different ways. Like me, you probably know what happens when you over pursue something like a job that pays more money or even having someone else love us. The more weight we recklessly throw at those seemingly impassable walls, the more hopeless we feel. Yet, we slam ourselves against the wall. Over and over again. And as we continue, we lie to ourselves. We hear a voice saying, “If you only put a little more force, a little more weight behind the next attempt, you’ll eventually break it down.”
The lie is that no amount of force will break the wall down. It’s only when we stop long enough to learn to accept who we are, do we realize there was a door waiting there all along.
Of course I feel like it's a great universal principle to apply to my rugby/concussion situation. The doorway to reffing was waiting there all along! I just had to stop forcing myself to stick to my original plan and actually let things happen around me as they do. It is definitely a liberating realization. Thanks for reminding me, Kyle!

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